This tool is designed to allow instructors to generate custom forms for peer evaluations of teaching. You can generate forms for class observations or course materials by clicking on the corresponding button(s) below and selecting the criteria by which you would like to be evaluated.
After generating a peer review form, we recommend that you meet with your peer reviewer to discuss your goals for the course and the criteria that you selected, arrange a classroom observation date (if desired), and specify any course materials to be reviewed (if desired). After the peer review is complete, we recommend that you meet with your peer reviewer to discuss their observations and review the feedback form(s).
{"class-observation":[{"criteria":{"1_The instructor spoke clearly, audibly, and confidently.":[],"2_Speaks clearly":[],"3_Speaks at a rate that facilitates note-taking":[],"4_Establishes/maintains eye contact with students":[],"5_Makes an effort to keep students’ attention (e.g., eye contact, speaks towards students rather than towards board/screen)":[],"6_The instructor was enthusiastic about the subject matter.":[],"7_Communicates enthusiasm toward the content":[]},"subCategory":"Presentation Style"},{"criteria":{"1_The instructor made effective use of the board and/or visual aids.":[],"2_The instructor used a variety of relevant illustrations/examples.":[],"3_Effectively incorporates appropriate media":[],"4_Media is clear/organized":[],"5_Lecture materials, e.g., PowerPoint or handouts, are generally appropriate and free from errors":[]},"subCategory":"Teaching Materials"},{"criteria":{"1_The instructor encouraged and achieved active student involvement.":[],"2_The instructor encouraged active student involvement.":[],"3_The instructor achieved active student involvement.":[],"4_Encourages student involvement, e.g., questions, discussion":[],"5_Makes an effort to engage students (questions, demos, discussion, etc.)":[]},"subCategory":"Student Engagement"},{"criteria":{"1_Clearly explains the goal, directions, or procedures ":[],"2_Provides clear demonstrations if appropriate ":[],"3_Allows sufficient time for completion of task(s)":[],"4_Provides constructive verbal feedback when necessary ":[],"5_Students have appropriate skills to complete task successfully":[],"6_Classroom activities and student learning objectives are aligned.":[]},"subCategory":"Class Activities"},{"criteria":{"1_The instructor was well prepared for class.":[],"2_The instructor seemed well prepared for class.":[],"3_Appears familiar with lecture content, e.g., familiar with sequence of PPT slides":[]},"subCategory":"Class Preparation"},{"criteria":{"1_Beginning of class:":["1_Provides class announcements, as needed (e.g., updates to lecture schedule)","2_The instructor stated learning objectives and student expectations.","3_Reviews prior class material to prepare students for today","4_Clearly states the goal or objective for the period"],"2_During class:":["1_The instructor asked stimulating and challenging questions.","2_The instructor connected with student’s prerequisite knowledge.","3_Examples are relevant","4_Explanations of difficult terms/concepts are done with clarity","5_Varied perspectives are presented when appropriate","6_Provides lecture content in a logical order, at an appropriate level that should be easily understood","7_Provides lecture content in a logical order"],"3_End of class:":["1_The instructor ended lesson with connection to future learning objectives.","2_Summarizes and distills main points at the end of class","3_The instructor taught class with depth and rigor appropriate for students."]},"subCategory":"Class Content"},{"criteria":{"1_The instructor treated students impartially and with respect.":[],"2_Creates an environment of respect, conducive to learning":[],"3_Encourages diverse points of view":[],"4_Responds constructively to students’ comments/questions":[],"5_Handles interruptions effectively":[]},"subCategory":"Classroom Atmosphere"},{"criteria":{"1_The instructor was knowledgeable about the subject matter.":[],"2_Demonstrates command of the material, e.g., answers questions knowledgeably":[],"3_Checks for student comprehension of course material":[],"4_Handles time constraints effectively; keeps the lecture on pace":[]},"subCategory":"Other"}],"course-material":[{"criteria":{"1_Syllabus contains required statements on information specific to the course (e.g., goals, materials, exams)":[],"2_Syllabus contains required policy statements (e.g., Honor Code, accommodation statement)":[],"3_Syllabus provides course policies, grading scale, office hours, and other information":[],"4_Course policies and rules are clear and appropriate.":[],"5_Grading methods are clearly described.":[]},"subCategory":"Policies"},{"criteria":{"1_Course content includes the appropriate topics.":[],"2_Course learning objectives are clear and appropriate.":[],"3_Learning goals encompass a wide range of significant forms of learning (e.g., foundational knowledge, application, integrating ideas, developing attitudes)":[],"4_Student learning objectives are clearly articulated through the use of specific action verbs.":[],"5_Course schedule is fully articulated and logically sequenced.":[],"6_Course schedule is fully articulated.":[],"7_Course schedule is logically sequenced.":[],"8_Assessments are spread out across the semester":[],"9_Learning activities are likely to challenge students appropriately":[]},"subCategory":"Learning Objectives & Course Content"},{"criteria":{"1_Syllabus reflects the current state of scholarly or creative practice in the discipline":[],"2_Clarity is shown in describing the course, objectives, requirements, assignments using direct, easy-to-follow language":[],"3_Syllabus provides a clear and rational roadmap or pathway for learning course content":[],"4_Information is concise and up-to-date":[],"5_Syllabus tone is positive, respectful, and inviting.":[],"6_Syllabus is well organized/easy to navigate.":[],"7_Syllabus communicates high expectations":[],"8_Activities in the syllabus demand strong commitment and effort from the average student":[]},"subCategory":"Syllabus"},{"criteria":{"1_Lecture notes are well organized and clearly written.":[],"2_Assignments are consistent with objectives and appropriately challenging.":[],"3_Objectives and assessments are aligned.":[]},"subCategory":"Other Course Materials"}]}